WEBP to JPG Converter

Batch convert webp files to jpg format online for free

Choose files or drag & drop them here.
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How to convert WEBP files to JPG online?

Step-by-step guide to convert webp to jpg using AnyConv. It works on PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) and mobile devices (iPhone, Android).

Upload WEBP-file

Drag and drop your WEBP file into the upload area. The maximum file size is 100 MB.


Click "Convert" to change webp to jpg. The conversion usually takes a few seconds.

Download your JPG

Now you can download the JPG file. The download link only works on your device.
💡 Why is everyone using WebP now? WebP is a modern image format developed by Google. WebP has an average 30% smaller file size compared to JPG without sacrificing image quality. Therefore, many webmasters began to use images in the WebP format on their sites. This allows the site to run faster.


  • 📌 How to save WebP as JPG?
    To save a WebP image as a JPG in a browser, you can install a special browser extension (eg "Save image as Type" for Google Chrome). Or just change .webp to .jpg online with AnyConv!
  • 📌 How do I convert multiple WebP to JPG using AnyConv?
    Upload your WebP files and click "Convert". AnyConv converts all images from WebP to JPG in a few seconds. For free.
  • 📌 Which is better - WebP or JPG?
    WebP is smaller with the same image quality as JPG. However, WebP is still not supported by older browsers and some image editors. Therefore, sometimes users may need to convert WebP files to JPG.
  • 📌 Do you lose quality when converting WebP image to JPG?
    No, the image quality will remain the same as the original WebP file. But the JPG file size will be larger.

Information about WEBP and JPG file formats

🔸 File format WEBP JPG
🔸 Full name WEBP - Weppy image format JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
🔸 File extension .webp .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe
🔸 MIME type image/webp image/jpeg
🔸 Developed by Google Joint Photographic Experts Group
🔸 Type of format Image format, Lossless/lossy compression algorithm lossy image format
🔸 Description WebP is an image format employing both lossy and lossless compression. As a derivative of the VP8 video format, it is a sister project to the WebM multimedia container format. WebP-related software is released under a BSD license. JPG is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly those produced by digital photography. The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable tradeoff between storage size and image quality. JPG typically achieves 10:1 compression with little perceptible loss in image quality.
🔸 Technical details Google has proposed using WebP for animated images as an alternative to the popular GIF format, citing the advantages of 24-bit color with transparency, combining frames with lossy and lossless compression in the same animation, and support for support seeking specific frames. Image files that employ JPG compression are commonly called "JPG files" and are stored in variants of the JIF image format. Most image capture devices (such as digital cameras) that output JPG creates files in the Exif format, the camera industry standardized for metadata interchange.
🔸 File conversion WEBP conversion JPG conversion
🔸 Associated programs Google Chrome, Opera, Picasa, PhotoLine, Pixelmator, ImageMagick, XnView, IrfanView, GDAL Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, the GIMP, ImageMagick, IrfanView, Pixel image editor, Paint.NET, Xara Photo & Graphic Designer.
🔸 Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG
WEBP to JPG Conversion Quality Rating
4.4 (1718 votes)
Convert and download at least one file to rate.